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Why Does My Horse Eat...? Dandelion Flower

Updated: Apr 19, 2024

You have probably noticed that ever since they appeared, your horse deliberately picks out dandelion flowers while grazing. There is a good reason for that.

Dandelion flowers have a strong antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. They protect the liver through their anti-inflammatory properties and high levels of Flavonoid C-glycosides and helping to prevent the passage of sugars across the gut wall. They also have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties protecting the liver.

Furthermore, as the flowers contain more polyphenol compounds than the leaves or roots, picking out the flowers can help reduce blood sugar and aid digestion. These plants are strongly anti- microbial and can help reduce the lactic acid producing bacteria in the gut.

Finally, dandelion flowers also contains luteolin, which strengthens the immune system and the immune response. Through its high chrysoeriol content a plant compound that aids blood circulation and monocaffeyltartaric acid which helps blood sugar control, this plant works like a charm for your horse's wellbeing.

Inspired by Equi-Biome

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